Why is Baby Crying
When babies cry, most parents begin to panic and wonder why the little one is crying. Does he or she need a diaper change? Is he or she hungry? Is something bothering him or her? It is like a guessing game whenever babies cry because it is very hard to interpret what it actually means.
Crying for babies is actually a communication tool for them to be able to express their feelings when something is bothering them. Babies have different crying sounds based on their concerns. It is like their own language tool and parents can understand it if they pay very close attention. If a parent listens very carefully, the sounds are different from one another.
Here are babies’ different cries to take note of:
1. Hungry. It is the usual concern that parents know when babies cry. It has a desperate tone and a high-pitched squeal and can only be stopped when a bottle is placed on the child’s mouth. In addition, there are other signals usually seen when the baby is hungry like lip smacking and putting their finger on their mouth. It is best that you respond to this quickly because crying can let gas in the tummy, which can cause more irritation to your baby.
2. Tired. When a baby is tired, he/she lets out a whiny sound. It will continue and intensify if attention is not given to to him/her. Tiredness can also show on the eyes of the baby because they may turn red. Help your baby to get some sleep by cradling him/her or by singing a lullaby.
3. Bored. Even though babies are just lying down, they can easily get bored too. Especially when they are left alone. This type of cry is similar to when they are tired; it comes in the form of a whiny sound, but starts off as cooing that will eventually turn into indignant crying when no one responds to it. The most effective solution for this is to play with your baby and let them feel that they are not alone.
4. Colic. This is the most mysterious type of cry. This cry can last up to three hours and is somehow similar when the baby is in pain. The baby can be straining and making other fidgeting movements, indicating that he/ she is not comfortable. It is very difficult to calm this type of cry; you can lay down your baby in a more comfortable position like on his/her tummy on the bed or on your lap.
5. Sick. When the baby is sick, he/ he is not making any loud cries. It only comes out as soft whimpers, which seems like the baby has just no energy to volume it up. Other than crying, there are other visible symptoms such as high temperature, swelling, rashes and vomiting. Go to your doctor immediately for a checkup.
For a new parent, hearing your baby cry can be very worrying since it is hard to interpret what is going on. It is important to be very observant; signals such as crying will help you understand what your baby is trying to say.
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